Major League Hacking 2019 Hackathon Season

General Information

HackNC 2018 will take place on October 6th and 7th in Murray and Venable Halls at UNC-Chapel Hill!

HackNC is a weekend for students of all skill levels to broaden their talents. Your challenge is to make an awesome project in just 24 hours. You will have access to hands-on workshops and demos from our sponsors, as well as exciting talks about the awesome things happening right now with computer science and technology - not to mention all of the free food, shirts, stickers, and swag!

HackNC begins with just a weekend, but we hope you will whet skills, make friends, and foster ideas here that flourish. Ready to apply? You'll need a laptop and your fanciest thinking cap - everything else is on us. Get started now.

HackNC is an MLH-sponsored event, as such, we follow the MLH code of conduct.



Free parking is available over the weekend everywhere on campus, but we recommend the following decks:


A carpool consists of 3 or more students intending to participate in HackNC. If you were accepted, your carpool is automatically eligible for reimbursement of the value detailed below, which roughly corresponds to the round trip cost of gas. Limit one per carpool. Qualifications for carpool grants are as follows:

  1. RSVP via the link in your email
  2. Drive yourself and at least 2 passengers to HackNC.
  3. Submit a project at the end of HackNC.
  4. Submit a copy of gas receipts by Oct 7th 2018.

Carpool Amounts

One-way distanceGrant Amount
0 - 50 miles$0
51 - 100 miles$20
101 - 200 miles$40
201 - 300 miles$60
301 - 400 miles$80
401+ miles$100

We cannot make exceptions to this policy. Grants will be distributed after the event by mail.

Travel Vouchers

HackNC has a limited number of $50 grants available to supplement the cost of bus/train/plane tickets. These vouchers may be available after all carpool requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Note that travel grants are only available to hackers traveling from OUTSIDE the NC Triangle (UNC / NC State / Duke / etc.).


  • What is a hackathon?

    A hackathon is a weekend of fun and learning. You'll become a better programmer, meet awesome people, and make cool stuff. There will also be opportunities to win cool prizes and network with our sponsors.

  • What if I'm in high school?

    As long as you'll be 18 by October 6th 2018, we would love for you to come to HackNC. Unfortunately (because of the incredible amount of paperwork involved) we won't be able to accept anyone under the age of 18.

  • Can I hack?

    High schoolers over 18, undergraduates, and graduate students are welcome to participate as hackers. Professionals should check out mentorship.

  • How do I get in?

    Anyone can attend HackNC. Our admission criteria doesn't include your level of experience. Go here to register now!

  • Got any hardware?

    You bet! MLH is providing the full hardware lab. In addition, we will have soldering kits and other assorted components, Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, sensors, and more stickers than you can wear on four limbs...

  • Can I mentor?

    Professionals are welcome to join as mentors, sponsors, or lecturers. If you want to come as a mentor, contact us!

  • Will I fit in?

    Definitely! HackNC and the UNC Computer Science Department are committed to making computer science a more diverse field. Inclusiveness is a top priority for us, and we've been beginner-friendly from the start.

  • Can I use old code?

    You may use all the publicly available code and APIs that you want, but the code you will be judged on at the end of the hackathon must be new.

  • What about sleep?

    You should do it! Bring your own pillow and sleeping bag or blankets. There will be a sleeping space available Friday and Saturday nights. More info available on our travel page.

  • Travel costs?

    If you want to come, we want to help get you here. We will have a limited number of reimbursements for carpooling.

  • Will there be food?

    Don’t worry - we’ll provide six full meals throughout the hackathon and there will be plenty of snacks in between. You won’t be hungry.

  • How can I volunteer or mentor?

    Please join our mailing list above, we will send out information later this fall.


*Schedule is subject to change.

Our Sponsors

Looking to sponsor HackNC? Email us at


(More to be announced at the event)

1st Place

One GoPro HERO Session per Team Member


2nd Place

One Amazon Echo Dot per Team Member


3rd Place

One Mini Quadcopter per Team Member


Most Innovative Hack

One Smart Notebook per Team Member


Best Game

One Logitech Wireless Mouse per Team Member


Healthiest Hack

One Xiaomi Mi Band 3 per Team Member


Best Hardware Hack

One Arduino Car Starter Kit per Team Member


Most "Millennial" Hack

One Emoji Plushie per Team Member


More to be announced

Stay tuned for our Devpost event